Make Motion Graphics and Animation

Make Motion graphics and video animations with VideoBuilder Apps.

VideoBuilder Apps by Paul Ponna & Sid Diwar

VideoBuilder Apps is one of the best video apps you can you to promote your business and run your digital marketing. Different categories of VideoApp are available for motion graphics and animations. You need to check them on the site to know which one will work best for your business. People that can make use of these video apps are:

1. For digital product creators…

Use VideoBuilder for motion graphics and animation to create sales and explainer videos that will give your sales page visitors a complete and professional presentation for your products. Best of all, without needing to hire a video pro! Your sales pages will be more captivating and engaging, and that means… more sales!

2. For affiliates and internet marketers…

Use VideoBuilder to motion graphics and make animations create awesome viral videos that cater to your targeted niches. Include a call-to- action link that takes viewers right to the offers you’re promoting. Share the videos on Youtube, social media, blogs and forums to get free, targeted traffic that will increase commissions!

3.   Use VideoBuilder for motion graphics and make animations create powerful videos for landing pages, opt-in pages, blog reviews, and other places to increase your commissions even more!

Create professional, engaging videos for blogs, sales pages, landing pages and social media. You will get more visitors, and that means more subscribers, customers and higher profits!

Create winning sales and explainer videos without having to hire a video guy. Save money while boosting conversions!


Make motion graphics and animations







4.  For brick-and-mortar/small business owners…

Use videos create motion graphics and make animations to promote your business locally via social media for no cost. You can even create videos with informative content to post on your blog or Facebook page. Your customers and visitors can easily share them with others to generate even more exposure!

Create eye-catching videos about upcoming promotions and events, and more – quickly and easily!

Create powerful short video ads for Google local advertising and/or social media to gain more new customers at low cost.

5.  For e-commerce store owners…

Use VideoBuilder to create motion graphics and make animations to promote specific sale items and run promotions via social media!

You can also use VideoBuilder to create in-depth product description videos that will help your visitors make purchasing decisions on the spot!

Use VideoBuilder to create slick video ads that you can use to promote your store on ad networks, social media and niche blogs!







6.  For content creators, bloggers and authors…

Use VideoBuilder to create motion graphics and make animations to easily create powerful videos based on your existing content or new content that’s related to what you’re promoting. Then, share them on YouTube, social media and even niche blogs to attract more fans, while building buzz for your books and/or other products!

Use VideoBuilder to create powerful videos that will increase visitor engagement. Get them to join your list or connect with you on social media, so you can promote future offers in the future.

Watch this video below.

Categories of Video Builder App by Paul Ponna & Sid Diwar

Use the link to check for the demo on the site to know how it works. Check out the videoApp that will work best for you.

1. VideoBuilder APP to create motion video and make animations.

Click here to Subscribe

Use Motion graphics and animation videos to boost your digital marketing and increase profit

Motion graphics and animation videos







2. VideoBuilder Deluxe Upgrade

Click here to check the demo and subscribe

3. VideoBuilder Agency

Click here to watch the demo and subscribe

4. Video Submitter App + Video Syndication Traffic App

Click here to watch the demo and subscribe.

5. Local Spokesperson Videos

Click here to watch the demo and subscribe.








6. VideoBuilder App – Special Deal

Click here to watch the demo and subscribe.

Advantages of using Video for motion graphics and make animations Digital Marketing

1. Conversion rates are boosted by video.

According to HubSpot, putting video on a landing page can increase conversions by as much as 80%! When compared to simply reading the same material, watching an engaging presenter in a video can undoubtedly affect buying behavior and urge a visitor to convert into a lead (or a lead to convert into a customer!). Video can help you sell your product by evoking the correct emotions. Plus, depending on the viewpoint you’re going for, they can serve as built-in instructions or testimonials.

2. Video is a terrific way to spice up your email marketing.

We’re all bombarded with email, and getting someone to open yours is becoming increasingly difficult. Simply including the word “video” in your subject line can boost open rates and reduce unsubscribe rates. A video in an email increases the click-through rate by 200-300 percent, which is a startling amount. But, in most circumstances, you can’t dispute that watching a video is more convenient than sitting and reading text, right? This is especially helpful if you’re explaining how to utilize your product or expressing something that can’t be expressed as effectively in writing. 


3.  Video is quite popular with search engines.

Content that engages viewers is what search engines are looking for. Nothing entices more page visits and stays on the page longer than a video. Furthermore, YouTube is the second most popular search engine behind Google. If you upload your video to YouTube as well as your website, your visibility and chances of appearing in search are substantially enhanced. Furthermore, if you advertise your video on social media, your chances of being discovered skyrocket!

4.  Video increases trust and credibility.

Video is an excellent way to give your company and brand a personality, allowing you to connect with your audience and earn their trust. Product videos are helpful in the decision-making process for 90% of users. The more videos you have to help educate and inform your customers, the stronger your foundation of trust will become. And trust leads to sales.

 5. Social sharing is encouraged by video.

Let’s be honest: we live in the age of viral videos. In addition, 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others. This is your opportunity to have some fun while demonstrating what your company is all about.

Consider using VideoBuilder Apps. (keep in mind the target audience here). Using humor to showcase your company’s personality will always encourage shares

Watch out for more business marketing tools in the next page of this blog.

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Published by Genius-Class Initiatives Enterprise

This organization is to help you grow your business for profitability. Expert in digital marketing, B2B, Saas, business development.

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